Who I am

Andrea Boi, born in Rimini in 1974, studied in “G.Rossini” Conservatory in Pesaro, where in 1996 he brilliantly achived his graduation in piano. His professional activity led him in some of the most important italian and foreign thatres and festivals and in close contact with the most important orchestra conductors of his time. He worked with conductors such as Donato Renzetti, Roberto Rizzi Brignoli, Daniele Callegari, Massimo De Bernard, Gustav Kuhn. Thanks to an important collaboration with Teatro Comunale di Firenze from 2009, he worked also with Maestro Zubin Metha.

His activity as conducting baton manufacturer borns from his strong passion for handicraft, an activity grown so quickly that actually his batons are in the hands of the great conductors he collaborated with, and many others active in the most important theatres of the world.

Piazza Duomo Milano rehearsal Concerto MiTo
Concert Chamber Music Teatro degli Atti